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SIPAS is one of the Best MLT College in Dehradun providing B.Sc. MLT. Medical Laboratory Technology is an Allied Health specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of clinical laboratory tests. Though the Medical Lab technologists spend less time with patients than doctors and nurses, medical laboratory professionals are just as dedicated to patient’s health. As vital members of the health care team, medical laboratory professionals play a critical role in collecting the information needed to give the best care to an ill or injured patient. The fact is that the practice of modern medicine would be impossible without the tests performed in the laboratory.

Medical laboratory professionals have unlimited choices of practice settings. Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, public health facilities, and commercial laboratories all have positions open right now for qualified laboratory professionals. In these settings, communication and research skills are highly valued. Employment of clinical laboratory workers is expected to grow as the volume of laboratory tests increases with population growth and the development of new types of tests.

3 Years + 6 Months Internship10+2 (PCB) with min. 45% or DMLTHNB Garhwal Central University

Bsc Medical Lab. Technology

Medical laboratory technology, also called Clinical laboratory science, is an allied health
profession which is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease through
the use of clinical laboratory tests. Also it is required for prognosis of the disease. Medical
Laboratory Technologists play an important role in collecting the needed information, sampling,
testing, reporting and documentation of investigations. They determine the presence, extent or
absence of disease and provide data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Aim of Medical Lab. Technology>

1 Efficient and reliable working of Lab technicians in major areas such as hematology,
clinical & histopathology, blood banking..
2 Sample collection & performance of required tests and investigations as requested by
the doctors & recording of results.
3 Taking various tests viz., blood counts, estimation of chemical values in blood / serum,
identifying bacterial virus by various methods and analysis of various body fluids like
sewer, urine, C.S.F.

Scope of Medical Lab Technology

Medical technologists work in five major areas of the laboratory, i.e., in Blood banking
(Components), Clinical Chemistry Lab, Haematology, Immunology, Clinical Pathology
and Microbiology. They also work in the areas of Cytology and Histology. Some of the
duties of an MLT include collecting blood samples from patients and identifying
abnormal blood cells, assuring safe transfusion of blood products, culturing micro-
organisms to determine their identity and susceptibility to antibiotics, detecting a
cancerous tumor with DNA technique, performing cultures and identifying bacteria and
viruses and analyzing body fluids to determine chemical and biological components.
The scope also covers assuming administrative functions related to reporting and
recording results of tests conducted in the laboratory, maintaining accurate clinical
records, selecting and evaluating laboratory equipment and new test methodologies and
performing other duties as may be assigned by the laboratory supervisor.

Job Prospectus & Career Options

Lab technicians have great careers in hospital pathology, laboratories, blood banks,
forensic labs… both in the private & Govt. sector.

Student Registration Form 2025-2026

For Admission

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